We paid our vet bill today £950.00 for Cats in need and Cats in our care with ongoing medical conditions and needs.
A huge thank you to those of you who have been donating, and who have bought items through our online Easter Sale. While our charity shop is closed, and we are unable to do fund raising events out in the community, your help literally has been a “Lifeline”
Our two volunteers are working in their clean room tonight to prepare for another online Easter sale on FRIDAY – more fun stuff all of which will be delivered under full social distancing rules.
And YES more cream eggs hatched last night with beautiful handmade egg covers by the very talented Valerie Meritt x

We also want to thank the talented Tricia B in Bromley who took time to produce patterns for Easter Chick and Rabbit covers. It is wonderful that in these days of mass produced in China and Vietnam we still have very talented creative people who make beautiful homemade items x