Cats are like people they don’t all get on. The issue can usually be easily managed by implementing a few simple concepts;
- Do not leave food down all the time for the cats. Rather feed them twice a day at specific times so they develop a routine. Feed them in the same room but spread the bowls out far apart placing each bowl at the same spot for each cat. Pick the cats up and move them to their spots, they will learn.
- When a cat finishes its food, gently pick it up and put it out or into another room and pick up the bowl. This way each cat has its own feeding spot and is not disturbed by the other cats who finish first.
- Leave 2 or 3 water bowls down in different places which the cats can visit as and when they need.
- Allow the cats to find their own spots, resting and sleeping places in your home away from each other as they see fit.
- Give each cat its own blanket at its own preferred resting/sleeping spot. Wash the blanket periodically and put it back at the preferred spot.

- Do not try to make them get on or sit together.
- Try not to get stressed when they hiss and spit at each other in passing. Cats are very sensative and will pick up on your stress adding to their own. A clam environment generally supports calm cats x
By implementing the above the cats will find their own routine to avoid each other and importantly not compete for food or space.
And all cats should be neutered and spayed. In particular unneutered male cats can be very territorial and aggressive towards other cats.

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