Donate and support Cat Call Charities work

There are many ways to donate and fund Cat Call’s work caring for Cats in need, whatever is easiest for you.

And know that Cat Call sets out to keep its overheads as low as possible so all money raised and donated is spent on Cats in need. There are no salaries, no personal expenses paid, no travel costs, no marketing costs, no admin costs, volunteers in the charity donate and cover these themselves. And our charity shop pays for itself then the surplus contributes to the Cat care work fund.

So we guarantee every penny you donate will be used to help Cats in need…..

Ways to donate;

Online using any card

Donate to help with the care of Cats in need

Through PayPal click on the PayPal icon below

Donate and help Cat Call Charity with its work
Help Cats in need

Send a cheque

made payable to Cat Call Charity and send to our registered charity address 164 Edmund Road Hastings, TN35 5LQ and please put your name and address on the back of the cheque so we can send you a receipt.

Send a cheque what ever works for you


Drop cash in an envelope to our registered charity address 164 Edmund Road Hastings, TN37 5LQ and please put your name and address or e mail address on the envelope so we can send you a receipt.

Click HERE on this link and fill in the form to request our bank details.

Cat Call Charity wish list on Amazon

Click HERE to see our Cat Call Charity Amazon Wish List

Cat Call Charity green collecting pot

Email [email protected] or call us on 01424 429904 and ask for a green Cat Call collecting pot for your home or place of work, for odd coppers and coins. We deliver the pot to you, collect on request and tell you how much you collected.

CAll us to receive a Cat Call collecting pot

Sponsor a Rescued Cat Call Cat

Click HERE to see our sponsored rescued Cats and then send us your details by CLICKING HERE


Care for Cats in need in the future by leaving Cat Call a legacy

Name the Cat Call Charity in your Will as a recipient of a legacy from your life love and work.

Your donations help care for Cats in need
Thank you from the rescued Cats like Bonnie and Twiggy

If you would like to discuss any of the above in confidence or to ask us questions about how your money would be spent, please do not hesitate to call us on our Cat Call number 01424 429904 or e mail us with your questions at [email protected]

Thank you from Cat Call Charity
Love Cat, Love Cat Call