If you like our work or have been helped by us over the years, there are loads of ways you can help with our work;
- Donate good clean used towels
- Donate Cat and kitten food through our collecting boxes in Asda St Leonards and ESK Hastings (back of the store)
- Shop at our little fun charity shop in Bohemia road St Leonards.
- Donate quality used items for us to sell in our shop and online.
- Look out for our first OFFLINE fund-raising event coming on 7th August!
- Use Amazon Smile, it’s the same Amazon same products and prices but it allows you to nominate Cat Call as your charity of choice, then each time you shop Amazon give a donation from their profits.
- Donate through our online giving platform CLICK HERE and if you are a taxpayer Cat Call gets an additional 25p for every £1 donated from the Tax Man!
And Cat Calls promise “Every £1.00 donated is used in caring for Cats in need” there are no salaries at Cat Call, no marketing or web expenses, no transport costs, no admin costs, no expenses paid to volunteers, nothing. The shop pays for itself and the surplus it makes goes to #Caring4Cats. All money donated is used to help Cats in need.
Thank you from the Cats xx