Cat Call supports this Go Funding for CJ the Cat who lost his leg
Cat Call supports this Go Funding appeal for dear CJ the Cat

Cat Call supports this Go Funding for CJ the Cat who lost his leg
THANK YOU to the people of Hastings Old Town who kindly responded to our Christmas appeal led by our volunteer Leslie Jarvis donating a wonderful £230.00
A massive THANK YOU to the team at 1066 Veterinary Practice in Battle Road St Leonards On Sea and customers for a wonderful £45.86 raised from the sale of our famous Cat Call Cat nip mice. Every penny raised will be used in our work caring for Cats in need…
A very big THANK YOU to the 1066 Veterinary Centre and customers for raising £92.50, a box of cat food and a scratching post
CLICK HERE for a simple list and guidance
Get your Cat Call lucky numbers for a chance to win two great prizes….
If you are an Amazon user one of the greatest gifts is for you to nominate the Cat Call charity as your charity and use Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile is exactly the same as Amazon, although you do need to create a new account in Amazon Smile, apart from that…
Summary of Cat Call charity’s work in November
At Cat Call Call we believe what you give out comes back in spade fulls and today was no different. We took in a dear young Cat in need of help, and bingo!
Join an audience with Cat behavior expert Anita Kelsey at the Hastings Library 11th Dec talking Cats