Great day fund raising in Asda St Leonards On Sea, you raised a wonderful £256.22 TAHNK YOU
Great Day Fund Raising In Asda St Leonards On Sea

Great day fund raising in Asda St Leonards On Sea, you raised a wonderful £256.22 TAHNK YOU
Cat Call charity in Asda St Leonards On Sea fund raising from 10.00 Sat 15th April
We raised a wonderful £219.81 every penny of which will be spent on Cats in need.
Cat Call volunteers will be at the Kings Church Hastings Centre Boot Sale on the Ridge opposite the Conquest hospital raising money for our work caring for cats in need. Doors open at 10.00 am, there are loads of bargains and quality items, and its all over at 12.00 –…
Rain just will not stop at the moment, neither will Cat Call its our 40th anniversary in November this year.
Some of the Cats recently helped by the Cat Call Charity in Hastings
Choose a lucky number and be in the draw for this excellent Christmas family fun hamper donated by Asda St Leonards On Sea.
Thank you Della and the 1066 Vet practice team, and customers fund raising for Cat Call charity
Thank you to everyone who bought items from our stall at the Hastings centre boot sale on the Ridge on Saturday, you raised a fantastic £214.60
Cat Call Charity fund raising in ESK store Hastings