Check out our new resource in support of our work
Thank you for donating through our Collection box in Asda
Thank you to everyone who donates Cat and Kitten food through our food collection box in Asda St Leonards On Sea it is a huge help for us.
It is very nice to receive feedback
It is very nice to receive such lovely feedback for our work xx
Happy Birthday Ted
Happy birthday dear Ted
We had a great day fund raising in Asda
We had a great time fund raising in Asda St Leonards On Sea yesterday….
Raising Money in Asda St Leonards On Sea Saturday 27th August
Cat Call charity in Asda St Leonards On Sea raising money for its work
THANKS YOU from Cat Call and the Cats x
Thank you to everyone who attended our Cat Call AGM on and offline, everyone who joined as a member and everyone who donated around the event. We hope you enjoyed it….
Join us at our Cat Call AGM Saturday 13th August 12.00
Join us at our Cat Call Charity AGM as we review what we did did, what we can improve and what we will do in the future
Become a Cat Call Charity Member
Become a Cat Call Charity Member for 12 months and join the fun on line or off line caring for Cats in need…
Great Fun at the St Helens Wood Summer Fair
It was a wonderful afternoon in the beautiful St Helens Wood in Hastings at the Summer Fair raising money for our work