A very very big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed and supported our tombola in Adsa St Leonards yesterday, you raised a fantastic £ 501.87
Great Fun at our Cat Call Tombola Event in Asda

A very very big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed and supported our tombola in Adsa St Leonards yesterday, you raised a fantastic £ 501.87
Cat Call charity TOMBOLA over 100 prizes in Asda St Leonards On Sea
Saturday 26th August from 10.00 am
Cat Call Charity fund raising Summer 2023
Choose a lucky number and be in the draw for this excellent Christmas family fun hamper donated by Asda St Leonards On Sea.
Thank you to everyone who donates Cat and Kitten food through our food collection box in Asda St Leonards On Sea it is a huge help for us.
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated at our fund-raising event in Asda last Saturday. You very kindly gave a trolley full of Cat food and an amazing £232.54 all of which will be used to help Cats in need this summer. Thank you for your kindness, form the…
Saturday 7th August will be our first offline fund-raising event in our community for 19 months! And we are back in one of our favorite and most supportive places ASDA St Leonards On Sea for a “Bucket collection and Micro Table Sale” every penny raised will be used to help…
Our Asda in St Leonards On sea is undergoing a refit and update – But our Cat Call food donation box is still there still behind the tills a little further down. Thank you for your kind donations and support and also Asda Community Champion Wendy and Asda store Manager…
A big THANK YOU to everyone who donates through our Cat food collecting box in Asda St Leonards On Sea. Thank you from the Cats we can help because of you x Our Cat food donation box is located behind the tills in Asda St Leonards On Sea
This weekend we deep cleaned and refurbished our Cat food donation box in Asda St Leonards On Sea. This box is very important to us because through your generous donations we are able to help a lot of Cats in need, especially over the past few months. Thank you from…