Despite these difficult times our core work at Cat Call continues;
Our Lost and Found Cat Register
Caring for Cats in our care
Homing Cats
and this needs funding, regrettably our planned charity events especially pre-Easter events have been cancelled but for now our charity shop in Bohemia road St Leonards remains open, our green Cat Call collecting boxes are still out in the community as are our Cat food donation boxes in Asda St Leonards on Sea and ESK Hastings.
We would also like to sincerely thank;
Everyone who continues to donate on and offline
Donates Cat food through our boxes in Asda and ESK
Our charity shop team
Our lady knitters who are still making beautiful hand made items so when this crisis ends, we can get back to fund raising
and ESK Hastings especially Jason who gave us enormous help this week
Stay safe, keep loving Cats and we will all get through this Xx