Under Uk law a Cat is considered a person’s property, like a TV, a Handbag, a Car. Whether this classification resonates with us as individuals or organisations is irrelevant. As such no individual or informal organisation or formal organisation other than the RSPCA can simply turn up and remove or be complicit in removing a Cat without the owner’s consent, it is theft.
As stated only the RSAPCA have a legal mandate to remove animals and even they must and do follow a rigorous and precise legal process of evidence gathering and notifications before perhaps taking action.
You may be thinking “Can a Cat be given emergency help by an individual or organisation in case of need if an owner cannot be contacted at the time” The answer is “YES of course and then returned”
In all circumstances when considering giving help to a Cat in need, an individual or organisation “Must make every attempt to locate the owner” and “Over a reasonable period of time”
In attempting to find an owner one might think notices on line of a “Found Cat” are sufficient, they are not however extensive the platforms, such posts are not considered “Making every effort to find the owner” Similarly neither is limiting notices to offline efforts such as posters.
And there is no specific time for what is deemed a “Reasonable time given to find an owner” For example one might argue 7 or 14 days is not a reasonable time because, and unfortunately, some people go on holiday for a week or two and leave their Cat home alone. Some people move house leaving their Cat behind because they did not make proper provision for the move, they don’t catch the Cat on the day and so return at a latter date etc etc.
You may be wondering about about a stray or abandoned Cat, all of the above applies, give it emergency help and care, then make every effort to find the owner over a reasonable period of time. If an owner comes forward, great they collect their Cat. If not, amass enough clear evidence that the Cat is a stray or abandoned, when this process is satisfactory completed, then the Cat can be homed and signed over to a new owner, all of which must be documented.
We hope this helps x
The above represents Cat Call Charities understanding of UK Law.
CLICK HERE for a PDF copy of the UK government Code of Practice for the welfare of Cats